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Poseidon Residence / About us


Poseidon Residence

Poseidon Residence

Arriving in San Vito Lo Capo, the Poseidon Residence is not only a professional staff, but a family ready to welcome and take care of every single guest.

Ours is the third generation of hoteliers, we follow the path traveled so far with enthusiasm and dedication without ever ceasing to improve and innovate.
We traveled, studied abroad, went kilometers away and took different roads worldwide, but we chose to come back and stay in our amazing town.
We want to tell the true soul of San Vito Lo Capo and its inhabitants, let anyone knows our sincere hospitality and passionate love for a land full of surprises.

We work with love to make our daughter Anita grow up with the opportunity to meet eyes and smiles from all over the world, teaching her to give back the same affection we have received in all these years.

Laura Rocco Salvo - Poseidon Residence | Apart Hotel | San Vito Lo Capo

Laura, Rocco and Salvo

Poseidon Residence | Apart Hotel | San Vito Lo Capo


via P.S. Mattarella 24-28, 91010
San Vito lo Capo

Tel. (+39)0923972444
Mobile Laura: (+39) 3280550242
Whatsapp: (+39) 0923972444


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